Stage promoted by

  • Gráficas Lar

This stage will pass through

Once again we get on the kayaks for an entertaining stage. The section will not be opened until the early hours of the morning of the second day of the race, so, the teams that rush too much on the first day ☺ will be neutralized until this section opens.

This stage is divided into two different parts:

Fervenza's Dam:

In the first kilometres of this section the racers will take the kayaks on the banks of the dam near Baiñas' village, and will row along  the calm waters towards the embankments. It will be a calm part and where the racers will be able to relax a bit their legs after the long hours passed riding their bikes.

Once in the embankments, the teams will go ashore and will have to carry the kayaks to the base of the wall to begin the second part of the section in the river Xallas.

Xallas River:

Once in the river, they will begin the slope down and will enjoy the beautiful landscapes when crossing Dumbría's council.

Xallas River course
Xallas River course

Along this river they will meet other two dams of minor size (Dam of Ponte Olveira and Dam of Castrelo) that will force the racers to get out of the kayaks again and to carry them for a while.

Once passed the Dam of Castrelo the teams will face the most exciting zone of whitewater, where maybe more than one will try the temperature of the water and will wake up after the first night without sleeping☺.

When finishing the tour along the river they will go inside the fourth and last dam of the stage (Dam of Santa Uxía) where they will leave definitively the kayaks.

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