Poster for event I Xornadas de Montaña e Aventura Serra do Xistral 2020

I Xornadas de Montaña e Aventura Serra do Xistral 2020 - Charlas Sábado pola mañá | Participants

  • Foot orienteering
  • 18 Jul 10:00 (CEST)
  • Serra do Xistral - Galicia

Charlas e Actividades Deportivas durante todo o fin de semana

Participant State
Missing user avatar thumb Francisco Jose Ferrer Vidal Enrolled
Thumb user avatar 575d07a0 3782 11ea ad79 42010a01000a
Laura Álvarez Oreiro
Thumb user avatar 45da1ef9 3782 11ea ad79 42010a01000a
Manuel Pedre Vázquez
Missing user avatar thumb
Fernando Valcarcel Vilaboy
Thumb user avatar 6ac05375 3782 11ea ad79 42010a01000a Manuel Enrolled
Thumb user avatar 657a5325 3782 11ea ad79 42010a01000a
Humberto Palacios Rey
Thumb user avatar 637b748c 3782 11ea ad79 42010a01000a Pablo Lopez Franco Enrolled
Missing user avatar thumb
Elena López Seco

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