Affiche de l'événement CAP204 TRAINING

CAP204 TRAINING - Special Stage 1 | Participants

  • Navigation moto
  • 02 nov. 00:00 (CET)
  • Archidona - Andalucía

This is a special program designed for riders looking to take their navigation skills to the next level.

Participant État Groupe
Course terminée
Missing user avatar thumb CAR Coche asistencia Course terminée ASISTENCIA
Missing user avatar thumb AK Allen Kelley Course terminée MOTOS
Missing user avatar thumb DM Daniel Mattsson Course terminée MOTOS
Missing user avatar thumb JO Jonathan Owen Course terminée MOTOS
Missing user avatar thumb JP Johan Persson Course terminée MOTOS
Missing user avatar thumb NT Nick Tucker Course terminée MOTOS
Participant État Groupe

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