Raid Gallaecia Expedition Race Live! platform has been published May 10, 2015 03:23
This page you are visiting is the Live! platform where you could follow all the race evolution. Right now there is no much information here, but at the check-in moment, and when all race maps are in the teams hands, we will start to show you every race detail!
Anyway, keep this link in your mind, and come back on Monday afternoon
We will try to introduce all the information in both spanish and english languages (please be patient with our bad english), and you can change it from the Languages link in the top bar. If some content is not present in your language, you could also get an automatic translation that uses Google Translate.
As we have previously said in some bulletin, this platform will allow:
- Read each team information
- Read each stage information
- Read each piece of news and summaries that staff will publish during the race
- View each video summary that will be generated daily
- View all photo albumns of the race
- Integration with social network profiles both from organization and participant teams
- Possibility of sending messages to participants at any time in order to encourage them. These messages will be available to read by teams in some transition
- GPS live tracking with technology:
- Each team will be carrying a GPS device that will be periodically reporting its position
- With this positioning information, a map view will be rendered, showing each team exact position
- In this map view, also could be shown the race checkpoints and transitions
- It will be possible to overlap on Google Maps, the same exact maps that the teams will be using in the race, allowing to analize their navigation decissions and comparing it with other teams courses
- It will be also possible to review the race status at each moment from the start, allowing to perform an accelerated play back of the race, showing all information and allowing to know when a team have passed other, or when a team decided to stop to sleep. This play back will be also available after the race finish, so participants will have the oportunity to review their race days after the finish.
- You can check an example of this race view here
We hope you enjoy following the race!