What is the Spain Long Distance (SLD)? 

SLD is a race devised by a group of mushers friends that we propose will progress in this sport with our teams towards the long distance. 
Among us you can find from mushers with more than 25 years of experience in national and international races to mushers with less experience but no less enthusiasm to do things better and better. 
We want it to be a platform of progress within the mushing for all the teams that have spent more time. 
In the SLD everything is done under the following premise:


 And we also want: 

– That is around at the distance of 200-250 km the “long” race 
– Make it in the nonstop format. With a series of check points of passage with some mandatory stops, and leave at the strategy of the musher and other stops. 
– Have a serious and professional veterinary control. We are still clear that the significant ones are the dogs. There will be a strict pre-race control and an exhaustive control at the check point. It is not just about reviewing the primers, it is about evaluating each dog in an individualized way. 
– The short race of about 100 km we wanted that will flee the initiation door for many small teams. We take great care of it with important sponsors and the same structure as the big one. 
– There will be a specific regulation for this race that all participants must know and accept. 

Finally, Spain Long Distance is a race made from the illusion and effort of all, a large group of mushers and friends who fight to make mushing known as the exciting sport that it is. Here the club is the responsible end, many people from other clubs from all over Spain participate with their contributions and encouragement. Everyone is welcome. 
And not our forget the sponsors. Today it is not easy to find brands that bet on our sport. We will already present their products to you and they will surprise you.

Thank you all for the support that the SLD has had when it was still a project and a thousand more thanks for contributing practical and sensible ideas to make the race possible. 
Good mushing !! 

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