Parabéns Nana e Equipe! Vocês foram bravos! Muito feliz! Ente as 10 mais! extraordinario resultado ! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Josep i LLuïsa07 Oct 21:15
Molt bé moltes felicitats , una forta abraçada , fins aviat
Chus07 Oct 18:16
ánimo! unos kilometrillos más! 💪💪💪
Guille07 Oct 17:59
Vamoooos cracks!! Xa ta ai
Josep i LLuïsa07 Oct 09:43
Bon dia aixo ja s'acaba , felicitats
Beata06 Oct 22:41
I have question about the paddle part, after the TA4.
As team support, we have spend there at least 5 hours, 6th of October, from 11 am to 13pm. During this time teams 31, 26, 16, 18, 21 have completed the paddel taks - based on referee which was there ( on the beginning only one lady, after that second lady joined) the only way how team could complete this task was swim behind the yellow boyas (not on the part between beach and boyas). However, when the team 19 came, referees told them to swim before the boyas, so on the line between beach and boyas, which for other teams was prohibited. Luckily I speak spanish and could react that this is simply not fair, but then they attacked me. Why it is happening? Why are different rules for different Teams? How we can react to this not fair play rules?
Odi Abreu06 Oct 14:37
Bora equipe, vai com tudo!!!!continue firme!!!
Odi Abreu06 Oct 04:34
Vamos lá equipe, estou torcendo por vcs!!!
Marcos P.06 Oct 00:30
Vamos Marcos & Team!!! Metédelle un par de tapas ahí en Lugo e xa tedes gasolina para terminar a sección!! Ánimo que ides moi ben!! 💪🏼💪🏼
Fonso Armada05 Oct 21:50
Ánimo equipazo!!! Vamos David!! Estades facendo unha grandísima carreira!!
Odilia de Abreu05 Oct 21:34
Vamos equipe torcendo por vcs,Marianinha vamos com tudo!!!
Manuel Penabad05 Oct 18:25
Vamos tracktherace. Mucho ánimo, suerte y fuerza Marcos!
Dani 05 Oct 18:25
Ánimo equipo, grandísima carrera, sois unos cracks!!
tia Marise 05 Oct 18:20
Força aí Naninha! Estamos na torcida!
Monica05 Oct 17:54
Animo chicos estadelo facenso xenial!
Jano05 Oct 16:41
Tremendos, vamos ahi dadle duro.
Christian Romarís05 Oct 14:25
Vamos equipo! Podéis con todo
Christian Romarís05 Oct 14:06
Fuerza equipazo!! A por la remontada. Sois los mejores
Josep i LLuïsa05 Oct 13:26
Vinga Arnau i tot l'equip molta força estem al vostre costat
César S.05 Oct 12:49
Vamos Marcos & CIA! Dádelle duro que se vos ve que ides frescos!!! Ademais ides con Felipe ao lado e inda podedes botar uns contos. Ánimo fenómenos! 💪🏻
Last messages
Parabéns Nana e Equipe! Vocês foram bravos! Muito feliz! Ente as 10 mais! extraordinario resultado ! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
Molt bé moltes felicitats , una forta abraçada , fins aviat
ánimo! unos kilometrillos más! 💪💪💪
Vamoooos cracks!! Xa ta ai
Bon dia aixo ja s'acaba , felicitats
Hi, I have question about the paddle part, after the TA4. As team support, we have spend there at least 5 hours, 6th of October, from 11 am to 13pm. During this time teams 31, 26, 16, 18, 21 have completed the paddel taks - based on referee which was there ( on the beginning only one lady, after that second lady joined) the only way how team could complete this task was swim behind the yellow boyas (not on the part between beach and boyas). However, when the team 19 came, referees told them to swim before the boyas, so on the line between beach and boyas, which for other teams was prohibited. Luckily I speak spanish and could react that this is simply not fair, but then they attacked me. Why it is happening? Why are different rules for different Teams? How we can react to this not fair play rules?
Bora equipe, vai com tudo!!!!continue firme!!!
Vamos lá equipe, estou torcendo por vcs!!!
Vamos Marcos & Team!!! Metédelle un par de tapas ahí en Lugo e xa tedes gasolina para terminar a sección!! Ánimo que ides moi ben!! 💪🏼💪🏼
Ánimo equipazo!!! Vamos David!! Estades facendo unha grandísima carreira!!
Vamos equipe torcendo por vcs,Marianinha vamos com tudo!!!
Vamos tracktherace. Mucho ánimo, suerte y fuerza Marcos!
Ánimo equipo, grandísima carrera, sois unos cracks!!
Força aí Naninha! Estamos na torcida!
Animo chicos estadelo facenso xenial!
Tremendos, vamos ahi dadle duro.
Vamos equipo! Podéis con todo
Fuerza equipazo!! A por la remontada. Sois los mejores
Vinga Arnau i tot l'equip molta força estem al vostre costat
Vamos Marcos & CIA! Dádelle duro que se vos ve que ides frescos!!! Ademais ides con Felipe ao lado e inda podedes botar uns contos. Ánimo fenómenos! 💪🏻