
Participant Group Kms in track Time Time difference Altitude Elevation + Elevation - Avg. speed stage
Start km 20 km 40 km 60 km 80 km 100 km 120 km 140 km 160 km 180 km 200 PC 1 km 220 km 240 km 260 PC2 km 280 km 300 km 320 km 340 km 360 km 380 km 400 km 420 km 440 km 460 km 480 km 500 km 520 km 540 PC5 km 560 km 580 km 600 km 620 km 640 km 660 km 670 Finish
This ranking may not be accurate because it is calculated with the GPS positions of the devices. The official classification will be published by the organizer.