Fenix Multisport - Adidas

Fenix Multisport - Adidas team have been in adventure racing for several years,  including ARWC in Spain (2009), France (2012), Ecuador (2014) and AREC in Turkey (2014), however in this particular lineup it is our first race and we are really looking forward to it.

Each of us has different background – Pavel Paloncy in orienteering, Pavel Kurz in MTBO, Dan Silar in ultratrail running and Kristina Skalicka used to be a triathele.

We believe that navigation will be a key part in Gallaecia and we are glad to have multiple team members that can navigate.

Our ambitions are hard to assess as we will face some of the best teams in the world as well as fierce local competition. We will do our best, go fast, stay focused and see where it will put us in the end.

We believe to have a good race, enjoy the course, racing together and be satisfied with the result.

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